Strengths profiling for leaders

Actively leverage your leadership strengths to lead yourself, your team and the organization.

Research shows that people who actively use their strengths are happier, more confident, more energized and more effective.

This Strengths Profile Model of Development is the best and latest evidence-based strengths tool on the market.

Your Leader Profile gives you the data and practical actions to apply your strengths to all areas of your leadership. Including leading yourself, leading your team and influencing the organization.

With an emphasis on differentiating between energizing and de-energizing strengths, as well as an emphasis on uncovering under-utilized strengths.

Complete the strengths survey online, generate your leader profile report and join me for an unpack session to develop personalized strengths strategies.

Strengths Profiling for Teams

Enhance and energize the way you work together to achieve team goals

The Team Expert Profile will give you the insights and practical direction to grow and empower your team.

Once each team member has received their personal Strengths Profile, the Team Profile can be generated and unpacked in a workshop setting.

You will understand the full potential of your team, identify opportunities for growth, as well as spot potential risks of burnout for the team.

Also included is the Team Manager Profile that gives the manager specific advice on how to leverage each team member’s top strengths.

I love this tool because it is so holistic, covering…

3 DIMENSIONS of what makes up a strength. Performance (how good we are at it), Energy (how much it energizes us) and Use (how much we are using it)

4 QUADRANTS that pull apart our strengths, based on how they serve us

5 TYPES OF STRENGTHS. Known as Strengths Families. Strengths around how we communicate, motivate, relate, think and show up energetically